
Ok nth much today. Had co after school.
Melvin the GL-kia o.o sabo me.
Ms lim sent me n lsm to northpoint,then we went home.


Had co after school again.
Im gona die anytime,this is killing me.


Today early dismissal.
1.15! yay:D
Mr kuma came in for our chem period.
He dint catch me and adriel's hair. Must be pajiao ah -.- jkjk.
Then after school,me,adriel,nigel,kevin and phylisia went to cwp's sweetalk.
Buy thier paopao cha,then acc me to mac to eat.

After that,phy went off,then we 4 decided to go b3 to chill.
B3 was super dirty,den kevinw was like :"WOW,so MANY chairs!" (He began to sit on the dusbin" No one said got chairs wad-.-.
went to b2,even dirtier.
Then we went up to 7th floor. Adriel and kevin kept playin with the lift,we went up slowly,level by level,and they pressed the open n close button lots of time-.-
THEN WE SAW VIVIAN MELISSA JANE and one more i forgot who.
went down the escalator,then they confirm see us wad.
we sat at the bench at 4th floor,then they keep walking around us,bugging adriel to walk with them.
in the end,we did walk with them,reluctantly.
adriel was like dying to run away from them. okay,we all wanted to :(
then they bullshited,say wad go nigel's house. LOL .
then nigel n kevin went home,left me n adriel daydreaming in cwp.
Idiot adriel,he wont go home unless his bro is at home.
waste my time,i could have been home earlier -.-


i woke up late,6.35 =o
texted lsm that ill be abit late.
rushed here n dere,reached yishun at 7.45.
we were suppose to meet at 7.30
and she turned up at 8 .
WHOA! confirm late one.
by the time we reach class,it was 9?
i sort of love mdm feng lessons.
she would say alot of crappy yet interesting stuffs.
and she teaches very well,too.
lessons were boring,esp bio and eng.
after school,waited for lsm for her co to finish.
den vivien came to eat my bun with her FILTHY hands.
play netball dund WASH before u eat huh-.-
bored myself for 1hr+ before she came down.
while we taking bus,we saw the yang qin guy.
he was yen sen's neighbour! lol.
reached home at 8+ o.o

At that moment..
Time seemed to slow down..


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